Category: General Dentistry

Scared of the Dentist? Let Us Help!

Scared of the Dentist? Let Us Help!

You have a dental appointment early tomorrow morning…and you can’t sleep. You toss and turn in bed, you feel tense and can’t seem to relax, you start sweating, your heart starts pounding, and you may even start to feel nauseated. Does this sound like you? If so, you’re one of an estimated 80 million Americans…

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The Not So Scary Truth About Root Canals

The Not So Scary Truth About Root Canals

So your dentist in Alexandria told you that you need a root canal. And you’re a little bit scared because, let’s face it, a root canal doesn’t sound like much fun. After all, everything you’ve ever heard about root canals make them sound painful and scary. Root canals have had a bad reputation for years,…

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Top 7 Braces-Friendly Halloween Treats

Top 7 Braces-Friendly Halloween Treats

October isn’t only when we celebrate Halloween, it’s also National Orthodontic Month. With this in mind, the team at our dental office in Alexandria thought it’d be a great time to combine the two and talk a bit about which Halloween treats are safe for those with braces. Don’t worry, if you do have braces,…

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How Do I Find a New Dentist?

How Do I Find a New Dentist?

Nobody necessarily wants to embark on the journey of finding a new dentist. But occasionally, it’s just what we have to do. Longtime dentists retire, jobs require us to move, and a variety of life’s situations sometimes make it necessary to seek out a new dentist. However, finding the right new dentist can be a…

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Nail Biter? Here’s Another Reason You Should Stop

Nail Biter? Here’s Another Reason You Should Stop

Nail biting is a common habit that affects a number of Americans including an estimated 60% of kids, 45% of teenagers, and 30% of adults. While the likelihood of being a nail biter decreases as we get older, the truth is it is a habit that can be difficult to break and can follow you…

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Understanding Dental X-Rays

Understanding Dental X-Rays

When you come to your appointments at our dental office in Alexandria, there’s a good chance we may recommend taking some x-rays of your mouth. And for good reason. Dental x-rays are critical in helping us detect a number of potential oral health problems early, often making treatment easier and more affordable. What our patients…

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The Importance of Measuring Gum Pockets

The Importance of Measuring Gum Pockets

The process of measuring gum pockets, also known as periodontal charting, is pretty simple and should be painless as long as there is no infection. At our dental office in Alexandria, when we do a periodontal charting, you’ll hear us call out several numbers as we gently poke along the gum line. These numbers represent…

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“Why Don’t I Get Numb at The Dentist?”

“Why Don’t I Get Numb at The Dentist?”

Sometimes we get asked why certain patients have more difficulty getting numb before a dental procedure than other people. At our dental office in Alexandria, we wish we could provide one, solid answer as to why this happens. But the truth is, the reason can vary from person to person, and even from dentist to…

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Your Frenectomy Questions Answered

Your Frenectomy Questions Answered

At our dental office in Alexandria, we know our patients have questions about all things related to their oral health and the appearance of their smiles. Frenectomies are no different. What exactly is a frenectomy? Why would we ever recommend one? Can it really be beneficial? Not to worry, we’re here to answer all of…

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“What Do I Have to Do to Be a Dentist?”

“What Do I Have to Do to Be a Dentist?”

Considering a career as a dentist? We may be biased, but the team at our dental office in Alexandria thinks it’s the best job you could have. Dentists, dental assistants, and dental hygienists are an important part of a total healthcare team, and are crucial to keeping patients healthy. Not only that, but they can…

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