Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Give Thanks to Your Teeth

Give Thanks to Your Teeth

Every November we take an entire Thursday to give thanks, spend time with friends and family, and eat. And eat, and eat. There’s also a tradition of sharing everything that you’re appreciative of. As you go around the dinner table sharing what you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving, let our Alexandria dental office give you a…

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Does Baking Soda Really Whiten Teeth?

Does Baking Soda Really Whiten Teeth?

Baking soda is advertised as a multi-purpose household staple that can be used to mask smells, brighten your clothes, and yes, even whiten your teeth. While we can’t speak on its effectiveness in any other form, my dental office in Alexandria can support the claim that baking soda can, in fact, whiten teeth. But before…

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Is Your Smile Making You Look Older?

Is Your Smile Making You Look Older?

Your smile can say a lot of things about you — you’re happy, you’re confident, you’re professional, you’re… old? Nobody wants people to think that, but the unfortunate truth is, your smile may be aging you in the eyes of others. At my dental office in Alexandria, we hear many patients express concern over the…

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A Simple Smile Can Make a Big Impact

A Simple Smile Can Make a Big Impact

Smiling is such a simple act. So simple that even babies do it while they’re still in the womb. Although effortless, smiling is actually a pretty powerful action. At my Alexandria dental office, we know that the easy act of smiling can actually make quite an impact on your health and the health of others….

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