
Do Dentists Recommend Using An Electric Toothbrush?

Do Dentists Recommend Using An Electric Toothbrush?

Do you use an electric toothbrush or do you stick with the manual kind? If you haven’t tried an electric toothbrush, you may be wondering whether the extra expense is worth it in the long run. Truthfully, there can be some pros and cons to each type of toothbrush, and the experts agree. So what…

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Does a Water Flosser Really Clean Better Than String Floss?

Does a Water Flosser Really Clean Better Than String Floss?

A key part of maintaining a healthy mouth is making sure you brush twice a day and see your dentist in Alexandria every six months. But it’s also crucial to floss every day. In fact, it’s one of the most important things you can do. When it comes to which type of floss you should use,…

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Post-Filling Pain: What’s Normal, What’s Not

Post-Filling Pain: What’s Normal, What’s Not

Cavities are one of the most common dental issues your dentist in Alexandria treats every day, especially for patients with a bit of a sweet tooth. Fortunately, fillings today are more convenient, comfortable, and affordable than ever. However, sometimes there’s a little sensitivity post-filling treatment. While the discomfort is generally very mild, we understand that…

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Home Remedies and Treatments for Tonsil Stones

Home Remedies and Treatments for Tonsil Stones

Have you ever heard of tonsil stones? Your Alexandria dentist thought it might be a good idea to shed some light on this often overlooked health issue. Let’s talk a little about what exactly it means to have tonsil stones and how you can help yourself at home should they occur. What Do I Need…

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So Much Sugar! Tips on How to Cut Back on the Holiday Sweets

So Much Sugar! Tips on How to Cut Back on the Holiday Sweets

Happy Holidays from all of your friends at our Alexandria dental office! As we all celebrate and gather again with our loved ones, there tends to be an abundance of something other than love, and that’s sugary sweets. We all know what sugar can do to your smile, but it can be not-so-good for your…

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What Are The Ways to Straighten Teeth?

What Are The Ways to Straighten Teeth?

Most of us know that traditional metal braces can be used to effectively straighten teeth. While this treatment is most common in teens and young adults, braces can still be a great way for adults to transform the appearance of their smiles. However, if you’re looking to get straighter teeth without the use of braces,…

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Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

Any type of pain or discomfort in the mouth can be concerning, and it may leave you wondering if you have a serious dental problem or simply sensitive teeth. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two, and getting relief from the discomfort will depend on the cause. It’s important to…

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How To Strengthen Teeth

How To Strengthen Teeth

Chances are you want to keep your natural teeth in your mouth for as long as possible. After all, healthy teeth are an integral part of good oral health, but they’re not invincible. If you don’t take care of your teeth, you can be at increased risk for decay and other serious dental problems. Fortunately,…

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Is It Bad to Kiss Someone With Cavities? 

Is It Bad to Kiss Someone With Cavities? 

When it comes to kissing, it may be easy to tell if someone has bad breath, and you’d rather opt for a cheek kiss instead of locking lips. However, it’s not as easy to tell if someone has a cavity. But should you care if your smooching partner has cavities? Your dentist in Alexandria says you…

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Are Veneers Bad For Your Teeth? 

Are Veneers Bad For Your Teeth? 

If you’re considering having any type of cosmetic dentistry, chances are you’ve looked into dental veneers. However, you may be wondering if veneers can damage your teeth in any way. Your dentist in Alexandria always recommends doing some research before you get any dental work done, and this article will help you figure out whether or…

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A Friendly Reminder to Use Your Dental Benefits

A Friendly Reminder to Use Your Dental Benefits

Did you know that dental insurance benefits can expire if they’re not used? While some dental plans renew at odd times during the year, most plans renew on January 1st. This means that if you haven’t used all of your benefits, you’re missing out on some dental care that you’ve earned. Luckily, your dentist in…

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6 Common Dental Hygiene Mistakes

6 Common Dental Hygiene Mistakes

In order to have strong and healthy teeth and gums, it’s important to practice good dental hygiene habits regularly. However, it can be difficult to remember all of the things you should do (and shouldn’t do) every day to keep your mouth clean. To help you, let’s check out six of the most common dental…

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