
Understanding Dental X-Rays

Understanding Dental X-Rays

When you come to your appointments at our dental office in Alexandria, there’s a good chance we may recommend taking some x-rays of your mouth. And for good reason. Dental x-rays are critical in helping us detect a number of potential oral health problems early, often making treatment easier and more affordable. What our patients…

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The Importance of Measuring Gum Pockets

The Importance of Measuring Gum Pockets

The process of measuring gum pockets, also known as periodontal charting, is pretty simple and should be painless as long as there is no infection. At our dental office in Alexandria, when we do a periodontal charting, you’ll hear us call out several numbers as we gently poke along the gum line. These numbers represent…

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The Oral Health Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco

The Oral Health Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco

April is recognized as Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and while many people know the risks associated with smoking tobacco, the team at our dental office in Alexandria wants to make sure our patients and neighbors know that just because smokeless tobacco is, well, smokeless, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its own fair share of risks….

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“Why Don’t I Get Numb at The Dentist?”

“Why Don’t I Get Numb at The Dentist?”

Sometimes we get asked why certain patients have more difficulty getting numb before a dental procedure than other people. At our dental office in Alexandria, we wish we could provide one, solid answer as to why this happens. But the truth is, the reason can vary from person to person, and even from dentist to…

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Your Frenectomy Questions Answered

Your Frenectomy Questions Answered

At our dental office in Alexandria, we know our patients have questions about all things related to their oral health and the appearance of their smiles. Frenectomies are no different. What exactly is a frenectomy? Why would we ever recommend one? Can it really be beneficial? Not to worry, we’re here to answer all of…

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Words of Wisdom on Wisdom Teeth

Words of Wisdom on Wisdom Teeth

Getting your wisdom teeth taken out is such a common procedure that over 90% of Americans undergo the surgery. But why is it important that these late-blooming teeth come out? Can’t they just stay in there? Well, sometimes they can, but if it’s recommended that they be removed, it’s to keep you from additional problems….

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“What Do I Have to Do to Be a Dentist?”

“What Do I Have to Do to Be a Dentist?”

Considering a career as a dentist? We may be biased, but the team at our dental office in Alexandria thinks it’s the best job you could have. Dentists, dental assistants, and dental hygienists are an important part of a total healthcare team, and are crucial to keeping patients healthy. Not only that, but they can…

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All About Tooth Sensitivity

All About Tooth Sensitivity

Having sensitive teeth can be incredibly uncomfortable and painful, especially while eating and drinking hot or cold treats. At our Alexandria dental office, we understand how tooth sensitivity can keep you from enjoying your favorite foods and beverages, and we don’t want anyone to experience the pain and burden of it. We’re here to help….

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Top 4 Ways to Stop Biting Your Cheeks

Top 4 Ways to Stop Biting Your Cheeks

Cheek biting is a common habit and is actually very similar to nail biting. Typically brought on by stress or when nervous, biting the inside of the cheek — or the lips or tongue — can be painful, and in certain cases, concerning for the dental team at our Alexandria dental office. We’re here to…

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Decrease Sugar in Your Diet with These Tips

Decrease Sugar in Your Diet with These Tips

It’s probably no surprise that the team members at our dental office in Alexandria aren’t big fans of sugar. Too much of the sweet stuff can seriously compromise your oral health, and we’d rather see your pearly whites happy and healthy. That’s one reason why we encourage all of our patients to reduce the amount…

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Do Your Pets Need Dental Care?

Do Your Pets Need Dental Care?

At my dental office in Alexandria, we’re in the business of helping each one of our patients get and keep a beautiful, healthy smile. We’ll even often give advice on what you can do at home to protect your dental health. But humans aren’t the only ones that can benefit from at-home dental care. Just…

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Why Are There So Many Different Types of Mouthwash?

Why Are There So Many Different Types of Mouthwash?

As you probably already know, there are several types of mouthwash available — some minty, some a bit fruity, some that claim to kill germs, and some that protect against gum disease and gingivitis. But do we really need so many? At my dental office in Alexandria, we know choosing a mouthwash can be overwhelming,…

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