
3 of the Top Concerns about Pregnancy and Dentistry

3 of the Top Concerns about Pregnancy and Dentistry

Finding out that you’re pregnant is one of life’s most joyous (and scary) events you can endure. Everyone at our dental office in Alexandria wants to send plenty of well wishes to all of the parents out there who are expecting a blessing of their own. We wanted to set aside this blog to talk…

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Calcium and Teeth: 3 Things You Need to Know

Calcium and Teeth: 3 Things You Need to Know

We believe in doing everything we can to help you have a healthy smile at our Alexandria dental office, and that includes helping you decide what nutrients are good for your teeth. Today, we thought we’d focus on calcium because it’s beneficial for strong bones and teeth. #1: Calcium can help protect your teeth. Your…

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Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

Your tooth is throbbing, and you’re in a lot of pain. It’s unlike any pain you’ve ever felt before, and it’s definitely worse than a typical toothache. What could be going on? You may have an infection called an abscess. Besides the pain, the team at our dental office in Alexandria wants you to know…

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How to Whiten Teeth

How to Whiten Teeth

Everyone wants to have a dazzling white smile, but the truth is, a lot of things we do every day can take their toll on our pearly whites. Whether it’s the coffee we drink every morning or the glass of red wine we relax with at night, many common foods and drinks can stain our…

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Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

It’s always scary whenever we hear the word ‘cancer.’ Despite advancements in cancer treatment, it continues to affect millions of people every year. Oral cancer, while not as widely talked about as other cancers, is still very serious and can be deadly. During this Oral Cancer Awareness Month, our dental office in Alexandria wants to…

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What Are Signs That I Grind My Teeth?

What Are Signs That I Grind My Teeth?

Do you or someone in your family grind their teeth? Did you know you could be grinding your teeth and not even know it? At our dental office in Alexandria, we see so many side effects of teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) on teeth of patients of all ages. Let’s take a look at…

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Is Snoring Bad for My Smile?

Is Snoring Bad for My Smile?

At our Alexandria dental office, we always go out of our way to make sure your mouth and your body are as healthy as possible – even it goes beyond simply treating or cleaning your teeth. Sometimes patients are concerned about how snoring might be affecting their smile, so we thought we’d dedicate this blog…

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Why Eating Right Will Never Be Wrong for You (And Your Smile)

Why Eating Right Will Never Be Wrong for You (And Your Smile)

It’s probably safe to say that most people know that they need to eat healthy for their bodies and their teeth to be able to function properly and perform optimally for an entire lifetime. (Well, except maybe toddlers and young kids who would take candy over carrots any day.) In honor of National Nutrition Month,…

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What Causes Bad Breath?

What Causes Bad Breath?

While bad breath can be embarrassing, there may be a bigger cause for concern if it’s something that affects you every day. The team at our dental office in Alexandria knows that bad breath can be a temporary problem… or… even a sign of something more serious. Join us as we look at some of…

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Can Poor Oral Health Increase the Risk for Heart Problems?

Can Poor Oral Health Increase the Risk for Heart Problems?

When it comes to dentistry and oral health, many people think of only the mouth itself. While dentistry is certainly about keeping teeth healthy and cavity-free, it’s also about caring for your gums and protecting your whole body. At our dental office in Alexandria, we not only focus on treating the mouth, but also understand…

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How to Ease Toothache Pain

How to Ease Toothache Pain

Can you believe that there’s actually a day dedicated to toothaches? It’s true! February 9th is recognized as National Toothache Day, and in honor of this ‘holiday,’ the team at our dental office in Alexandria is here to celebrate by giving you advice on how to ease toothache pain. What Causes a Toothache? There’s no…

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Do You Really Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Do You Really Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Many of us will develop our wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, at some point in our lives. Most commonly they start to show themselves in our teens but can make an appearance later in life… or perhaps never at all. However, these new molars can present a whole host of problems for us…

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