
Why Do I Bite My Lips, Cheeks, and Tongue?

Why Do I Bite My Lips, Cheeks, and Tongue?

Biting your lips, cheeks, or tongue is a common habit for many people. While it may seem relatively harmless, biting the soft tissues in our mouths can lead to serious and painful problems. But like any habit, it can be difficult to stop biting your lips, cheeks, or tongue. Join your Alexandria dentist as we…

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What Can You Do For Sensitive Teeth?

What Can You Do For Sensitive Teeth?

Having sensitive teeth is an all too common problem that’s not only annoying… but painful, too. The shooting zings of pain when you eat something hot or cold can be unbearable. So what exactly can you do to help ease the pain of sensitive teeth? Let’s check in with your dentist in Alexandria. Causes of…

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Can I Safely Whiten My Smile On My Own?

Can I Safely Whiten My Smile On My Own?

In today’s digital age, we’re constantly exposed to products and DIY tips to do anything, including whitening your smile. While we understand that the desire to get a brighter grin is a very real thing for many of our patients, your dentist in Alexandria wants to educate you on some of the dangers lurking behind…

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All About Orthodontics

All About Orthodontics

At our dental office in Alexandria, we’re honored to take care of your family’s smiles. From regular cleanings, fillings, and restorative dentistry, we’re here to ensure healthy grins all around. But what happens if your teeth are crooked or overlap? Is it something to worry about? The truth is, if teeth aren’t straight and lined…

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How to Care for Your Dentures

How to Care for Your Dentures

If you’re missing your teeth, getting dentures can restore your smile and your confidence. Dentures are a popular choice among patients and are a relatively simple way to give those who have lost their teeth a reason to smile. But just like natural teeth, dentures require proper care. Your Alexandria dentist is here to help…

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Surprising Things About Spit

Surprising Things About Spit

When we think of spit, we may automatically think about how gross it is, especially when someone spits in public. But what would you say if we told you that spit is actually something pretty incredible? Join your dentist in Alexandria as we talk about some of the surprising facts about spit.   We Produce A…

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Things To Do To Prevent the Flu

Things To Do To Prevent the Flu

Every year millions of Americans get knocked down by the flu and suffer the miserable sniffles, annoying coughs, and unbearable body aches. Flu season usually runs from about October through February, but this year, your dentist in Alexandria is here to provide you with some things you can do to help prevent the flu from…

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Diabetes & Your Teeth

Diabetes & Your Teeth

It may seem strange to hear your dentist in Alexandria talk about a disease that doesn’t seem to affect your oral health. But the truth is, many diseases, including diabetes, can negatively affect your teeth. In fact, diabetes can increase the likelihood of gum disease, dry mouth, and other oral health problems. For this World…

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The Top 3 Reasons Not to Be Afraid of Your Dentist

The Top 3 Reasons Not to Be Afraid of Your Dentist

Spookiness is in the air this month as we move closer to all things Halloween. But there’s one place you should never be shivering and quivering to visit, and that’s seeing your dentist in Alexandria.  Sure, going to the dentist isn’t always rainbows and unicorns, but it’s certainly not the “FrightFest” our brains sometimes make…

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Relax at the Dentist? We Make the Impossible, Possible

Relax at the Dentist? We Make the Impossible, Possible

Some patients truly have a hard time or struggle with anxiety about seeing the dentist. For some patients, it’s been years since they last saw a dentist in Alexandria. For other folks, they’re regular dental patients… but they still feel butterflies when it’s time for treatment.  We’re here to tell you that having a relaxing…

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5 Ways to Say “No Way!” to Sugar Cravings

5 Ways to Say “No Way!” to Sugar Cravings

This is the time of year when sugary sweets and candy seem to be lurking around every turn of the grocery or pharmacy aisles. There are so many ooey, gooey, colorful, delicious treats we want to eat. But as we all know, your dentist in Alexandria will tell you to step away from the sweets…

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Make The Connection to Your Oral and Overall Health

Make The Connection to Your Oral and Overall Health

As research continues and more scientific advancements happen each year, there is mounting evidence that your oral and overall health are connected. Your dentist in Alexandria is here to tell you this is 100 percent true. This gives a whole new reasoning to why it’s super important to brush, floss, and see your dental hygienist…

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