
How to Fix a Gummy Smile

How to Fix a Gummy Smile

Having a gummy smile can affect someone’s self-confidence, and if you’re someone who sees more gum tissue than teeth when smiling or talking, you may know exactly what we’re talking about. In fact, it’s not uncommon for your dentist in Alexandria to hear patients say they’re embarrassed by their smiles, and some even avoid smiling…

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Should You Get Dentures or Dental Implants?

Should You Get Dentures or Dental Implants?

When someone is missing a tooth or several teeth, it can affect both oral and overall health. This is one reason why your dentist in Alexandria believes that everyone who is missing a tooth or teeth should find the best tooth replacement treatment for them. Oftentimes, this means either getting dentures or dental implants. Join…

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What’s the Best Milk for Teeth?

What’s the Best Milk for Teeth?

When you’re choosing the right milk for your family, you certainly have a lot of options to pick from these days. From milk made from almonds to milk made from coconuts, and from soy milk to cow’s milk, the dairy aisle is packed with so many different varieties of milk how can you possibly choose?!…

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Is Getting a Root Canal Really That Bad? 

Is Getting a Root Canal Really That Bad? 

When someone tells you that they need to have a root canal, do you immediately grimace and start thanking your lucky stars that it’s not happening to you? You’re not alone. Many people who hear the words “root” and “canal” together shudder in fear. After all, this dental treatment doesn’t have the best reputation. But…

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4 Things That May Cause Dry Mouth

4 Things That May Cause Dry Mouth

If you’ve ever experienced dry mouth, you know just how uncomfortable and frustrating it can be. Even drinking glass after glass of water doesn’t seem to help relieve it. Dry mouth is an incredibly common ailment that all of us experience once in a while, but if you have a chronically dry mouth that doesn’t…

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Is Sunshine Good For Your Teeth?

Is Sunshine Good For Your Teeth?

We all know that getting out into the sunshine can benefit our overall health by boosting mood and increasing vitamin D levels. But can sunshine also be good for oral health? While this may seem like an odd question to ask, your dentist in Alexandria wants you to know that it’s actually not that far…

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Can You Fix Receding Gums?

Can You Fix Receding Gums?

Have you ever wondered why your teeth are extra sensitive, especially when drinking something cold or even when you touch your teeth? There’s a chance that you may have receding gums. If left untreated, gum recession can cause even more sensitivity, an increase in tooth decay, and tooth loss. To make matters worse, once gum…

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What You Need to Know About Lip and Tongue Piercings

What You Need to Know About Lip and Tongue Piercings

Oral piercings, including lip and tongue piercings, are nothing new. In fact, they have actually been around since the Mayans. However, this form of self-expression doesn’t come without its risks. If you’re considering getting your lip or tongue pierced, read this information from your dentist in Alexandria before you go under the needle.  Know The…

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Stay Hydrated, Help Your Teeth

Stay Hydrated, Help Your Teeth

Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, so it’s fair to say that we absolutely need to drink plenty of water each and every day to help our bodies perform at their optimal level. In fact, drinking water and staying hydrated helps organs function properly, aids in digestion, keeps joints well lubricated, and…

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4 Causes of Gum Pain

4 Causes of Gum Pain

Many people think that it’s normal for gums to hurt or bleed during brushing or flossing. However, that’s a pretty big misconception. Whenever your gums bleed or are painful, whether this occurs while brushing or not, it’s usually a sign that you should see your dentist in Alexandria. Even though gum pain may be nothing…

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Migraines & Dentistry

Migraines & Dentistry

An estimated 39 million Americans suffer from headaches or migraines regularly. That’s about 12% of our population that experience these often debilitating, painful, and difficult-to-treat neurological conditions. However, even though this is such a widespread problem, there’s still the need for more research to determine just what causes a headache or migraine, how to prevent…

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What You Need to Know About Xylitol

What You Need to Know About Xylitol

We all know that your dentist in Alexandria really dislikes sugar. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to pass up treating yourself to something sweet. While we’re all pretty familiar with the numerous sugar substitutes available to us, we want to pay particular attention to one that may actually benefit your oral health…

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