
Tooth Fairy Tales From Across the World

Tooth Fairy Tales From Across the World

Experiencing your first loose tooth can be an exciting time in a kid’s life, especially when your child is expecting a visit and a little treat from our friend the Tooth Fairy. In the United States, this magical fairy is a teeny, tiny winged creature outfitted in sparkly clothes and who silently and delicately takes…

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Make Dental Care Part of Your 2021 Resolutions

Make Dental Care Part of Your 2021 Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are made each and every January and can range from committing to eating healthier to training to run your first marathon and anything in between. But all resolutions typically have the same underlying notion — to get healthier. This year is no different, and we may actually put more emphasis on health…

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Why Do My Teeth Hurt?

Why Do My Teeth Hurt?

Pain in your teeth is such a unique yet unpleasant feeling. The zings and throbbing that come along with a toothache are enough to make you miserable. We get it, and even though we don’t wish toothaches on anyone, the truth is, they happen. But sometimes the hardest part of treating a toothache is finding…

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Is It Healthy For Teeth to Be REALLY White? 

Is It Healthy For Teeth to Be REALLY White? 

We’ve been programmed to believe that the whiter a smile is, the healthier it is. However, this isn’t always the case. In fact, your dentist in Alexandria wants you to know that there is such a thing as a too-white smile, and a smile that’s over-bleached can actually lead to other oral health problems.  The…

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Kissing Under The Mistletoe & Oral Health

Kissing Under The Mistletoe & Oral Health

Getting caught kissing under the mistletoe is a long-time holiday tradition that spans centuries. But did you know that this holiday smooch can also lead to some unwanted problems? Of course, kissing anyone can transfer cold or viruses, but your dentist in Alexandria also knows that smooches may also increase your risk for cavities.   From…

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Are Plaque and Tartar The Same Thing? 

Are Plaque and Tartar The Same Thing? 

There are many misconceptions about oral health. One of the more common misconceptions is that plaque and tartar are the same things and that the terms can be used interchangeably. While this isn’t completely false, it is a bit misleading and something that your dentist in Alexandria wants to clear up. After all, understanding what’s…

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Diabetes & Oral Health

Diabetes & Oral Health

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and strives to raise awareness of a chronic disease that affects nearly 30 million Americans. But what does this have to do with your dentist in Alexandria? Well, the truth is, there is a strong connection between oral health and diabetes, and it’s ever more important for diabetics to take…

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New Study Shows Link Between Alzheimer’s & Gum Disease 

New Study Shows Link Between Alzheimer’s & Gum Disease 

National Alzheimer’s Disease Month is recognized every November, and this year is no different. More than 5 million Americans are living with this form of dementia and there’s not much known about what causes it or how to prevent it. But your dentist in Alexandria does want to share some good news that was recently…

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Whole-Body Benefits of Good Oral Health

Whole-Body Benefits of Good Oral Health

You may have heard the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. While that may be true, your dentist in Alexandria wants you to know that the mouth is in fact the window to overall health. Years of research continues to show just how important oral health is to overall health and…

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What To Eat After Having Dental Work Done

What To Eat After Having Dental Work Done

Having dental work isn’t like other procedures where you can eat whatever you want afterward. In fact, it can be difficult to find something you can easily eat after dental treatment. Whether you’re recovering from oral surgery, a dental implant placement, a root canal, or even a filling and are having trouble finding easy-to-eat foods,…

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How Facemasks May Affect Oral Health

How Facemasks May Affect Oral Health

Facemasks are now a common thing in all of our lives. We see them hanging from rearview mirrors as we drive down the road, everyone in the grocery store is masked up, and they’re even starting to become a fashion statement to some. While facemasks are encouraged in public places nowadays to help reduce the…

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Current Stress & Oral Health 

Current Stress & Oral Health 

Over the past couple of months, you may have been feeling more stressed out than usual, and rightfully so. Our lives have changed, some dramatically, and there’s a lot of uncertainty about the future and a bigger focus on staying healthy than maybe ever before. But believe it or not, the stress we’re feeling about…

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